Boats in 70126
There are currently 1 boats for sale in 70126 listed on Boat Trader. This includes 0 new watercraft and 1 used boats, available from both private sellers and well-qualified dealers who often offer boat financing and extended boat warranties.
The most popular boat classes for sale in 70126 currently are Express Cruiser boats. In contrast, Sea Ray are the most common boat brands available. Powerboats are more common than sailing boats in 70126 with 2 powerboats listed for sale versus 0 listings for sailboats.
The most common propulsion system on powerboats in 70126 is inboard while the majority of powerboats listed have gas fuel systems.
Boat prices in 70126
The price for boats in 70126 ranges from $28,000 up to $28,000, with an average boat value of $28,000. When researching what boat to buy, keep in mind the vessel's condition, age and location, and be sure to research the top cities in your area (including Marrero, Kenner, Metairie, Lafayette and Lake Charles) as well as the top states in the country, such as Florida, Texas, North Carolina, Michigan and California.